Klapa Samoana s hrvatima širom svijeta

Klapa Samoana WA Croatian Community Centre

Na zasluženom ručku poslije slavlja.

Just had a great lunch here at the WA Croatian Centre in North Fremantle for the Western Australian Knights who gave us some of their merchandise! Cool beanies!! 😎

Samoana - Christian & Austin


I remember listening to this song when I was only 16 years old. I had no clue what it meant. I didn’t really know much about the world back then but I knew that this song and how Oliver sang moved me. Singing it last night in Perth I was reminded of our first concert as a Duo back in Remete and I sang this song and looked up to the sky hoping that this song would send my thanks to the legend himself Oliver Dragojević. I thank God for Oliver because without him I would’ve never stayed singing Croatian and would not have had the opportunities I’ve had to this day. Both Austin and I have been blessed.

5 years since he’s gone but all I can do know is pray that he is in paradise and pray that we can continue to sing his songs to show humanity the beauty that transcends all things and that calls us to be the best that we can be.

Thank you one more time ❤️

WA Croatian Community Centre
Alfred Road North Fremantle
0417 792 837
+61 (08) 9335 8729
waccc @ bigpond.net.au

Western Knights Soccer Club WA

Naš nedjeljni Peka ručak bio je pravo uživanje za sve prisutne. Ništa ne može nadmašiti autentičnu tradicionalnu Peku za nedjeljni ručak. Volonteri su se zaista potrudili, hvala im svima! Također, hvala svima koji su prisustvovali - vaša podrška Western Knights Soccer Clubu znači puno. Bilo je fantastično imati Christiana i Austina iz Samoana - Christian & Austin kao naše posebne goste. Oni su uživali u ručku, miješali se s ostalim gostima i čak zapjevali nekoliko pjesama! Nadamo se da vam se sviđaju kapice, dečki!

hrvatska peka

Nash Field, Solomon Street, Mosman Park, WA, Australia, Western Australia
western knights